Andisa Mpisi is a Xhosa woman, born and bred in KwaZulu-Natal. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Dramatic Arts from the University of the Witwatersrand. With an NQF 4 in Film and Television Production, and an interest in South African sign language, she works as a writer, director, actor, drama and theatre-in-education facilitator, theatre maker, and art advocate. She is driven by the motto, “There’s a plan for the children of Africa and I am part of it.”
The A-Team Art Academy is a youth empowerment and skills development initiative founded by Andisa. It aims to help young people discover and explore empowering tools within the arts. These are tools to help them to deal with life competently and apply what they learn to their daily lives. This is accomplished through acting workshops, school tours, creative writing workshops, drama in education interventions as well as through other school programmes.